Back of the Moon
Band CV


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We have split the CV into two sections one for our normal concert dates and the other for work we have done for the TV or Radio. The most recent dates come first...

Concert Dates

18th May 2001- The band play a concert in The Hub, Edinburgh.

12th & 13th May 2001- The band play two concerts at Strathspey in May Music Festival.

11th May 2001- Gig at Taybank Hotel, Dunkeld

6th April 2001- The band support Sheena Wellington at 'Music at the Manor' Folk CLub in Monkton.

15th March 2001- Band plays Houston Folk Club

12th March 2001- Band plays Stirling Folk Club

6th-8th of October 2000- Back of the Moon plays at the BBC2 Young Folk Awards and gets through to the Finals.

TV and Radio

9th December 2000- Recorded at the BBC Radio Theatre in London for the Radio 2 Young Folk Awards- Back of the Moon is broadcast on Mike Harding's Folk on Two.

12th October 2000- Live broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland's Travelling Folk.